Saturday, March 29, 2008

Transitions (M205 IMU convo mag)

Hehe, no this is not about the mag. Just wanted to put down some thoughts about starting at uni. It's different here. I expected clinical school, but like I keep explaining to those who I talked to on MSN, it's like a midway between theory and clinical. We have lectures, tutorials, and a few scheduled sessions at the wards. A bit disappointing, but I guess a year of revision can't hurt. After all today I learnt a lot from the nursery session I had this morning. Like how I must eat breakfast before going to wards. And sleep well. So that I don't go plop on the floor like I did, and cause a scene. Hehe. Well, I did learn a lot about premature babies, and it was very interesting. So at least there's a consolation. Anyways, I'm super tired. Gonna zzz soon. Sorry this is so short, it was obligatory, I wasn't really in the mood. Some other time? Ciao

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